What is Ascension?
For many years the Omniversal Family Tree of Krystal Star known as the Guardians, have been relaying a wide array of information about the Ascension process that our planet and human bodies undergo at the end of an Astrological Age. We are moving into another interval of the higher octave through the bifurcation of time fields, which results in the phenomena of timeline collapse. For many, this manifests as a bookend to delineate the ending of the past, such as ancestral patterns and forces many of us to undergo a resetting of our inner foundation and way of life. These phases of timeline collapse generally bring with them many levels of exit points, resetting, ego dismantling in order to extract the false and reinstate a more accurate and progressive direction for the Soul. We must progress towards group consciousness and being of service to the whole. For those unaware of Ascension, the uninitiated or uninformed; this time can be confusing and painful to navigate.
Currently, little is understood about the consciousness evolution process nor allowed in the mainstream to bring this topic into greater credibility, thus visibility to the masses.
At the end of the Precession of Equinoxes, we align to the galactic core; Stargate portals open, and we are eligible to proceed with an Ascension timeline, the beginning of the next grand cycle. This propels us into the potential future timelines in higher octave systems that far exceed the current state of collective planetary consciousness. To access the higher future potentials there are also destructive timelines and probabilities that must come to an end or collapse. When humanity refers to the past or future, it actually is referring to a particular sub frequency along the space/time continuum. So when we clear a past trauma event in time, we generally are clearing blocked sub frequencies that were located in our chakra system and lightbody (and the planetary body).
For those of us that came from the future time and remember those potentials of consciousness freedom, this alignment in the Galactic core is experienced with great celebration and relief. However, the compassion for the plight on earth has brought many of us here in the Ascension timeline from other galaxies to help this planet's re-education process to heal and evolve beyond war and enslavement (there are more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe).
Quantum Mechanics is Ascension Math
Ascension is the complex quantum mechanics governing the movement of consciousness or intelligent energy throughout time and space, in the past, present and future timelines. To more deeply explore and comprehend what the Ascension Cycle and its impact means to the planet and humanity, one would need to have a deeper understanding of Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Theory and Ascension Theory which are deeply enmeshed and interrelated; both are heavily disputed and ridiculed in current mainstream sciences. As we move forward on this trajectory of evolution however, we are beginning to witness pockets of individuals willing to risk their mainstream careers to step outside of the traditional science "boxes" and start to speak, and explore, the vastness of what truly exits and what we truly are - at sometimes great risk to their personal being. Some of those people are acknowledged on this website.
Quantum Mechanics is a branch of physics which deals with physical phenomena or 'quantum' energy at the atomic and subatomic levels, providing a mathematical description of the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions between energy and matter. In physics, a quantum is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction. Quantum is used to describe the fundamental framework for understanding how the Universe works at the smallest scales of energy units.
At the center of Quantum Mechanics is the Planck-Einstein relation. Planck-Einstein's energy–frequency relation relates the energy of a photon, the Quantum of Light, to its electromagnetic wave and rate of frequency. Essentially, this formula quantifies the energy property of matter and its direct interrelationship with frequency and wavelength. This provides the framework for constructing quantum mechanical models at subatomic levels, which mathematically quantify the existence of multiple dimensions in time.
Transferring and Converting Energy
In physics, energy is a property of objects that is transferable in certain fundamental interactions. Energy in objects can be converted in form and transferred, but ultimately not created or destroyed. When we apply quantum understanding, we start to apply the mathematical laws based on potential energy transference made through multiple dimensions in time. To clarify this point, accessing one's consciousness impacts the transference and/or conversion of light energy throughout multiple timelines.
Therefore the properties of energy, in its variety of forms, whether visible or non-visible, directly impact the scale of different qualities of consciousness (spiritual bodies) and light energy transference throughout multiple dimensions. Each dimension and its timeline is composed of subatomic particles of light moving at different frequencies and wavelengths. For example, the chakras work like magnetic devices in these multiple dimensions and they automatically attract the densest electromagnetic energy in their spectrum of light energy from that dimension. When we focus on our chakras we can help to convert these denser energies and intentionally transmute them with the higher light frequencies of our inner Christ spirit.
This means that all light energy properties have potential interactions that control the movement of energy, from place to place, thus adjusting qualities of energy-frequency in matter for the past, present and future. As we make the choice to participate with our light energy transference in whatever location in time, this directly impacts our consciousness evolution in every dimension. Our choices from moment to moment contain the energetic probability to either heal or harm our lightbody. This illustrates the energetic-frequency impact upon all living things based upon the choices of personal and collective consciousness which exist within multiple dimensions and multiple timelines, simultaneously.
Consequently, this also directly impacts the scale of different rates of intelligence and sentience operating within in a form or body in multiple dimensions. So it is accurate to say that Consciousness and its rate of intelligence can be converted in scale or transferred in form across time and space, but ultimately not created or destroyed. By recognizing that our Soul and layers of Spiritual Bodies are states of consciousness and light energy-frequency, and not religious dogma, we begin to see the scientific probability of the Soul. Our Soul exists in another dimension of time and space, until we choose to bring it here and embody its spectrum of light. One question to ask is what quality of energy-frequency are the Soul or Spiritual bodies? Can one attune one's mind and body to that specific energy-frequency in future time and what happens when you do? Is this energy-frequency measurable in result or resonance?
Consciousness is intelligent energy which can be expanded and directed by focused awareness, independent of time, upon the radiant energy of the Spiritual Bodies through their Quantum of Light. To physically interact with another dimension, the frequency of one's consciousness needs to be aligned to that dimension.
Expanding Consciousness is Light Transference
When we address Light as radiant energy-frequency it becomes clearer that Quantum of Light is the Universe's way of transferring packets of intelligent energy into consciousness throughout time and space. Those packets of intelligent light energy-frequency are also called light symbol codes or DNA fire letters. These light codes are delivered to the planet and to a human body through energy-frequency current which is called Kundalini.
There is planetary Kundalini which is directly interfaced with the human body Kundalini which is located in the tailbone. The Kundalini and light codes received through the chakra system is absorbed into a form-holding blueprint (that is our 12 Tree Grid/Blueprint) and that stores information for how that 'form' of new consciousness energy will manifest. The blueprint re-arranges itself in the Lightbody to align to the newly received templates of consciousness light and sound. This occurs at a microcosmic or personal human body level and the macrocosmic level of the planet, through the Solar System and Cosmos, and is a part of the Quantum Mechanics of all creation.
Consciousness and matter are both forms of energy-frequency. What we think and how we feel generates electrical impulses, which travel from the Central Nervous System, the brain receivers and down through the spinal column and radiate from the chakras. The quality of that electrical energy governs the electromagnetic functioning of the chakras, which influences the overall frequency of one's lightbody. Personal consciousness is the sum total of all of one's thoughts, emotions, intelligence, beliefs, and attitudes as an energy-frequency. Personal consciousness originates as brain wave energy and the lightbody is energy-frequency, both forms of energy-frequency are intimately interconnected and influence each other. The generated frequencies are either positive or negative until synthesized. Chakra blockages are directly caused from the exchange of energy transmitted by one's consciousness or artificial structures or oppressions. This process is energy transference, which refers to the exchange or transfer of light energy between the physical body and the Lightbody.
Different colors of light, different energy-frequencies of light all create different properties of electromagnetic radiation waves and different amounts of radiant energy that interact with the Quantum of Light. Light with a lower energy-frequency will have a longer electromagnetic wavelength. The rate of frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional to each other. This means that as one increases, the other decreases and vice-a-versa. The product between the rate of frequency and its proportional wavelength is the measurement of the speed of light through space/time. This means that energy-frequency, wavelengths, oscillation of light are interdependent on each other in order to increase or decrease their properties existing within every object, body or creation.
As light travels in waves and bounces off an object; this is called reflection. When light travels and bounces off a human being, the impact of these forces upon one's energetic body and how they resonate with the fundamental frequency of one's being is called, the Law of Resonance. How these forces of light resonate with the human energy field, as they are either compatible or not, will impact how that light code will refract through the internal DNA lens. The internal DNA lens, the state of the internal structure of lightbody, will dictate what experience the person will have when in exposure to the ranges of energetic-frequency (Spectrum of Light). As a person meditates on inner stillness and intends to remove artificial machinery and clear the mental and emotional body from conflict, the internal energies and chakras become more transparent and balanced. More transparency and energetic balance allows a higher capacity to resonate and thus, reflect higher energy-frequencies of the light source.
Light waves also bend and refract; this happens when the light waves are bent as they pass through a transparent object. The lens in a pair of eye glasses helps people see more clearly by bending the light rays to help the person's eye adjust reflected images at a distance, close up or far away.
Holographic Light Projector
Different lengths of light waves are all reflected in the same way, but not refracted in the same way. This is similar to how our personal consciousness and higher sensory perception actually work. We all share the same process in light reflection, yet we access different qualities of light waves and perceive the reality from a different clarity and perception from our personal refraction lens. As we remove and extract energies that cloud our DNA lens, we become clearer and more transparent in our consciousness light.
The light particle waves at the highest frequency and shortest wavelengths bend or arc their light the most in relationship to the lens they are being refracted through at their source point. This means that the higher energy-frequency light we are capable to reflect and then refract, it allows awareness to more levels of light wave refraction made throughout the time and space holograms. Internal light reflection and refraction is what makes us capable to sense multiple dimensions of unseen or invisible light spectrum. This is why awakened Starseeds sense more energy-frequency (Spectrum of Light) co-existing in these time spaces than those humans that have not been spiritually awakened.
Light is a manifestation pattern of electromagnetic energy created by a combination of multiple bands of frequency within a dimension of time. The various color spectrum of light delineate the dimensional quality of its energy-frequency and its location within time and space. Light travels as waves and also travels in Quantum of Light streams of tiny micro-particles or packets of quantum energy. These ultra-micro-particles hold both properties of light and sound which are the functioning base pairs of the same consciousness-energy unit. Together, when the quantum base pairs unite with the primal substance of God Source, this allows a feedback loop in our particle structure to circulate the eternal supply of God Source through our bodies and the planet.
The human body is a holographic light projector. The human central nervous system processes electrical impulses transmitted from the DNA code which further neurologically transmits to the brain the instruction sets to perceive external images as a context for reality. A person can only experience the levels of (multidimensional) reality that have been programmed into the DNA code and the personal 12 Tree Grid/Blueprint, the microcosmic portion of the holographic template. This DNA program only changes when a person awakens to participate with their consciousness and begins to inquire on their spiritual purpose and explore their connection with all things.
If one looks at holograms from different angles, one sees objects from different perspectives, just like you would if you were looking at a real object. This is one way to recognize that there are many truths existing within the perspective of consciousness, when all of us are a holographic light projector. Holograms will appear to be moving as one walks past them and by looking at them from different angles or locations in time. Holograms are nested within holograms (likened to Russian Nesting Dolls) and change perspective of completely different objects (and entities), depending on how you look at them. This is the example of Astral Mirrors. If one is viewing a hologram from underneath its dimensional structure, from a lower energetic-frequency, from underneath, it will appear to be one thing. If viewing the dimensional structure that projects that same hologram, it will look entirely different, and reveal itself to be a mirrored illusion. This is an example of the False Ascension matrix, a complex structure of astral mirrors that exists in sections of the Astral plane. The Astral Plane is the fourth dimension and is referred to as the Astral plane or Astral dimension of the Soul Matrix.
Holograms contain whole views of the entire holographic image no matter how much that hologram fragments. If a tiny fragment of the hologram exists, the whole complete picture can be rebuilt from the instruction set still held inside the tiniest quanta.
When we apply the comprehension that available amounts of energy, radiant energy (light) and higher consciousness potential are all interchangeable, then we begin to perceive with much more clarity why Quantum Mechanics and Ascension theory are so controversial and ultimately suppressed from public awareness. The Archontic Deception Strategy is accomplished though promoting disinformation campaigns through the main pillars of society and through the stealing of energy resources, while instituting specific targeted forms of abuse that rank people into hierarchal class and discriminatory race systems. Quantum Mechanics and Ascension theory hold the keys to end the earth existence of impoverished and enslaved societies based upon Tyrannical abuse of power and war over consciousness-energy.
Reclaiming Energy is Reclaiming Consciousness
Opening to the awareness of a Quantum reality as explained through Ascension theory, we begin to expand consciousness to become aware of our Lightbody, the Human Energy Field and its Spectrum of Frequency that exist in multiple dimensions of time simultaneously. Both studies support the understanding that everything around and within us in the Universe is a form of energy, with a Rate of Vibration, Rate of Oscillation that determines the Rate of Fundamental Frequency.
Common energy forms include the kinetic energy of a moving object, the radiant energy carried by light and other electromagnetic radiation, the potential energy stored by the position of an object in a force field such as a gravitational, electric or magnetic field, and thermal energy. All of these forces, seen and unseen, are measurable and quantifiable. All of these forces exert influence on the quality of consciousness and influence the levels of higher sensory perception and sentience in life forms. This is why we must become aware of these energy forces and look deeper to become awake to who controls them.
The Human Energy Field, the Lightbody, is a massive form of potential energy-frequency that is directed by the consciousness that exerts control over it. One question we must ask ourselves is what kind of consciousness has exerted control or influence over one's personal energy? What is the energy-frequency of that consciousness and who or what does it source from? What does controlling the world's energy supply through bogus scientific data have to do with the war over consciousness?
This is of primary importance in learning how to exert control over one's consciousness as the first step to accessing the forms of energy existing within the human energy field, and directly influencing the energy-frequency of one's consciousness. Then we learn how to access the Higher Spiritual bodies which exist beyond the planetary schema in future timelines and so on to embody the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Generally, because of the mind controlled fields on planet, most people will not access internal energy-frequency organically if they do not have any awareness that this world of energy exists. That point is the major leverage of those who seek to control the war over consciousness.
If it is proven and understood everything is energy in the mainstream, then the next logical step is to consider the energy-frequency implications that shape World Organizations, as well as ask why the world energy and power supply has been completely controlled and suppressed.
Blocking Consciousness through Dual (False) Identities
When one learns to have control over the thoughts of one's mind, one begins to reclaim personal consciousness energies. When these stages of reclamation of consciousness progresses, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaims the soul-spirit energies. Whoever controls the consciousness and energies, controls the mind, controls the body, and ultimately controls the Soul and Spirit bodies throughout ALL timelines.
Once the consciousness-energy is mind controlled the consciousness is blocked through the manipulation of creating false and dual identities that exist in other timelines.
This is also referred to as Astral Splitting in the Soul layers or Metatronic Reversal in the Monadic planes that manifest as negative forms or shadow bodies. These false identities spin out artificial realities and artificial timelines which can be manipulated from other timelines by Controller entities, to directly impact what happens now on planet earth. This transpires through Alien Machinery and their related technologies that are marketed to push acceptable ways to expand consciousness through the mass appeal of the cyborgization of humanity through the Transhumanist agenda. Essentially, this is the step of replicating the holographic inserts (Alien Implants) that have been made in the future timelines, fully manifested in human bodies in this timeline of 3D earth. The technology does not address the core reasons the consciousness has been blocked on the earth from the Negative Alien Agenda in the first place, it serves as another Controller mechanism for genetic manipulation.
This Alien Machinery issue is why the Kundalini energy has been blocked upon the earth in a variety of ways, through a variety of combined personal implants and miasmic planetary distortions; crucifixion implants, reptilian tail implants, holographic inserts, blocked areas of the 12 Tree Grid/Blueprint, energy blocks from alien implants in the base of the spine and base of the skull. Most humans that have been recycled on the earth for hundreds of thousands of years have their lightbody blocked this way to interfere and stop natural Kundalini activation. For earth seeds that do not experience Kundalini, they have not experienced awakening, the energetic block exists specifically in their 4th DNA seal, in so that they will remain stagnant, undeveloped in their consciousness. This is called the 2D/4D split, and it is the causation of black matter, shadow bodies and negative forms littering the human energy field or lightbody.
Over time these distortions manifested splitting between the elemental physical body layers, the subconscious mind and lower and higher aspects of the astral identity. These schisms generated shadow selves, and dark fragments in the astral layers that further proliferate into a great trash heap of personal and planetary miasma.
The genetic block and removal of these DNA tones created a dual identity in both the 2D and 4D, and is how the 'shadow self' and unconscious aspects were first generated in the digressed human DNA. The 2D schism split the instinctual body into separate functions, a collection of fragmented sub-personalities (generated from soul memories) and a repository of personal emotional energies and collective chaotic forces. The 4D schism placed a barrier in the nadial capsule that separates the astral body/heart chakra from merging with the 3D solar plexus mental body. This subjects the person when they sleep to lower astral energies and lower astral traveling. This blocks the lower bodies communication with the elemental kingdoms, making it very hard for the person to feel 'body consciousness' or communication with nature or elemental kingdom. It is the disconnection of consciousness. This blocks Kundalini activation until the person is willing to learn how to become aware and take control over their own consciousness and mental energies.
We have heard the term Kundalini used to describe eastern modes of yoga and spiritual discipline based on consciousness awakening. What we have not generally associated is that Kundalini and Ascension are interrelated and caused by the same force of energy. The progression through the Ascension stages of embodying higher spiritual consciousness is based on the Kundalini energy awakening inside the human body.
The energetic life force current that makes up dimensionalization within the first nine dimensions is also called the Kundalini energies or Kundalini spirals. In the Ascension Stages of spiritual initiation, we refer to the initiation into higher Spectrum of Frequency synonymous with Kundalini activation.
Each of the Kundalini currents are Trinity Waves, sets of three energy-frequencies that are woven into one triad current that builds Horizontal Triad Bodies and links into the matter worlds. There are a total of nine dimensions of spectrum of frequency that are woven into three main Kundalini triad currents. (3X3) Once all nine dimensions of frequency are activated in the human lightbody and unified in the heart, activation into the Threefold Founder Flame liquid plasmic light commences activating the Christos Consciousness into the rainbow fields known as Kunda-Ray. Kunda-Ray is the rainbow field of the Ascended Master Christ Collectives which unite with the Aurora rainbow fields of the same luminal crystalline light principle, or the Tri-Tone Luminaries from the Andromedan Galaxy.
When the Threefold Founder Flame is activated within the Lightbody, the vertical central column or hara line is expanded into the permanent 12D Shield which evolves over repeated dedication to one's ascension, to become a hydro-plasmic internal Pillar of Christos Light. This initiates the silica base of liquid crystalline from the Universal Quantum of Light which resonates and calls upon the Holy Spirit of the Omniverses, the Mother Aqua Ray.
All nine dimensions of the spectrum of frequency or the triad of three sets of Kundalini energies are coiled up within eight fetal cells located on the tailbone or coccyx. These eight fetal cells are created at the time of conception. The incarnating consciousness identities are connected in these intelligent layers of frequency which are linked into the Silver Cord of the Soul and hold the Birth Transduction Sequence imprint of the entire Consciousness. The transduction sequence is the definition of when the 'God Spark' connects to the core manifestation body (12 Tree Grid/Blueprint) which is our Lightbody that is the blueprint record that projects our Consciousness identity out into the elemental physical manifest body.
The Kundalini coils in the coccyx are connected to the Silver Cord and to the Pineal Gland in the brain. When the Pineal Gland receives enough stimulation of higher dimensional spectrum of frequency activation into the higher soul bodies and DNA, spiritual activation or Kundalini awakening begins.
The False Ascension Matrix
The False Ascension Matrix is a inorganic alien technology NAA that was installed into the Astral Plane (4D) and is primarily controlled in the higher sound field dimension of 5D timelines. It is a false white light current (aka False Christ Consciousness light used by the Imposter Spirit) that is sourcing and manipulated from the lower Soul Matrix dimensional realms. This False White Light creates an intricate webbing with many Alien Implants and bio-neurological Mind Control technology which is exerted upon the human's Soul body and mind (through use of lower frequency wave manipulation) of the human being. Through this larger webbing in the Astral plane, it is possible to use Holographic Inserts and install software programs (like the Horseman Pulsing of the Armageddon Software) that Mind Control human beings to generate and promote belief systems for fear, religion and tyrannical control. It is a part of Consciousness suppression of humanity in this Ascension cycle which forces reincarnation into the lower realms of time fields on earth, which from the Guardian perspective, is a type of "soul recycling" for creating "worker bees" that are subservient to the on planet and off planet Archons. This is desired by the Archons, NAA because of the power source that can be generated and then harvested from both the planetary body and human electromagnetic energy source.
False White Light
This false white light interrupts the vertical connection into the higher spiritual realms and access into the spiritual bodies, blocks access to the organic Christos Consciousness in the higher dimensions of the Avatar matrix. The False White light is a structure that mimics and mocks Christ consciousness and is highly manipulated through mind control technology by the NAA and their Archontic Deception Behavior. The human being who has not removed Alien Implants from their Soul Matrix will have a inorganic umbilicus connection to the Astral plane. This inorganic umbilicus which is connected into this false white light and its etheric webbing is called the False Navel or the False Umbilicus. Its purpose is to un-cord the spirit/soul body of the human being during the process of death in so that the being is directed back through the white light tunnel which will take them back into the Astral plane for "recycling". Once a being is in the Astral Plane the only place they can reincarnate is back to 3D timelines of the earth, which is the lowest density dimension on this planet, and the most digressed in spiritual evolution. This forced recycling is what defines the term of earth as a Prison Planet.
5D Ascension is the FAM (False Ascension Matrix)
The Astral Plane of planet earth has a false white light webbing, called the false navel of the False Ascension Matrix (synthetic or dead white light in the astral plane), which for most of us undergoing Soul matrix embodiment, will reach a point in our Ascension Stages that we are required to reset and expand our navel and Solar Plexus in order to embody our organic frequency, our Soul Matrix and Monad eternal Light Bodies.
Once Mother Arc trans-gateways are opened the false timeline systems start to collapse and are unable to continue circulation feed of reversal polarity systems or other destructive circuits of energy. Without these reversal feeds circulating it releases many soul bodies that have been impaled for use in these systems as a battery source. One major focus of timeline repair is the False Ascension Matrices and the various 5D Ascension programs that have been feeding into these replicated and inorganic systems. Many of these inorganic systems are responsible for the reincarnation programs used on the low astral planes to recycle human souls. These inorganic systems must fail and are being dismantled at both levels of the human 3D programs and its 5D contact groups.
False Umbilicus
3D location of False Umbilicus:
We are becoming made aware that a distortion existing in the human mental body (at the holographic architecture level) has limited our ability to experience the actual ”feeling” of god consciousness. This False Umbilicus is an implanted distortion existing in the 3rd layer of the mental (Solar Plexus) lightbody that blocks the consciousness from experiencing its 5D divine intelligence and spiritual connection. This umbilicus was mainly responsible for repeated incarnations and keeping human consciousness recycling itself on the astral plane of reality. In this last cycle of 26,556 years, as a human being was going through physical death, the consciousness would go to the blocked “umbilicus” connection in the lightbody and follow the cord leading to the “white light tunnel”. Since we were not trained to understand what happens after the physical death of the body, no one told us that we arrive in the spiritual plane at the level our belief system (and vibrational consciousness) takes us. So this means most all of us went back into the astral plane repeatedly. We were not aware of our choice, our freedom and that we could choose another reality. So we had to return back into the 3D earth plane repeating much of the same karmic games of trauma, illness and degeneration. Over generations the karmic build up was so immense, that disease and other dysfunctions were produced from these accumulated aberrant energies. These aberrant energies then started to break down the genetics and therefore the Lightbody (manifestation template) of the human being.
This cycle of karmic regression of the human species has included repeated incarnations in this 3D realm and the recycling of the consciousness through the 4D realm, the Astral plane. This reincarnational recycling is ending. A large part of the holographic architecture repair in our human lightbody and within the planetary lightbody includes a healing of this distortion and a reconnection back into the true “umbilicus” of our lightbody. We are being reconnected back into our Source, Our God Parent by reweaving the umbilicus back into its proper position at the Still Point.
The Astral Plane of planet earth has a false webbing, called the false navel of the false ascension matrix (synthetic or dead white light in the astral plane), which for most of us undergoing soul matrix embodiment, will reach a point in our ascension that we are required to reset and expand our navel and solar plexus in order to embody our organic frequency, our Soul and Monad Light Bodies.
Hybridization of Humans
Game IV - The False Ascension - The Hybrid Breeding of Humans: This is a game program that is still operational in the 4th and 5th Levels (dimensions) of the Human Evolutionary possibility. So we could say there is an agenda by the controller forces to hope that humans choose this game, as they will still have a way to manipulate the power source. Generally this path is opened to all those who do not want to see the truth, face their own shadow, as it hurts too much. This is about finding the willingness and the vigilance to do the Inner Alchemy to serve God Source, no matter what. There is work to do in there and it takes self responsibility to Accountability.
Pain avoidance and fear is a huge controller of the masses of humans. Comfort zones (implants) to generate complacency will generally win out to control most of the human population. The controllers know this very well, and are expert in the field of manipulation and astral combat. It is primarily in this level of the game that the Controller Forces use frequency fields to create a NET that keeps humans "in their place". As long as humans believe they are "free" they will never question the controllers about their personal sovereignty. They can dress this game up a notch, flash us some beautiful things to dazzle us, give us some technology to supposedly "save us" from ourselves. The agenda is then they can begin to introduce themselves to humans and possibly tout themselves as Gods, or Advanced Intelligences. Being "Gods" surely humans would easily want to intermingle and "breed" with them, creating a human super race?? (not!)
Not to belabor this, however, an important key to remember in all situations is to preserve your Life force, your personal power - as directed with your full intention - by retaining the Self Sovereignty and Freedom of your Being. You are God, Period. You are the Cosmic Sovereign Law Made manifest, and it is your divine right to state your claim as such! Stay away from anything that is sucking on your energy, wanting your worship or claiming power or elitism over you.
Consciousness Traps
It is important to help emphasize to one’s mind the possibility (and eventual fact) that Consciousness does not need the body to exist. Simply knowing that the consciousness exists after the death of the biology helps one retain dominion over personal consciousness and helps safe passage when leaving the body. Whether in sleep state or Meditations, it is important to know and realize that there are many hyper dimensional pockets, trick windows, astral delusions, and consciousness traps that may look like or impersonate doorways to the higher light. These are called False White Light traps or False Ascension spaces. There are also spaces that are used as soul traps or Consciousness Traps, which are used to keep a person’s consciousness stuck like a hamster on a wheel, going in circles and not moving anywhere.
Zero Point Field
Eye of God (Helix Nebula)
Zero Point God Matrix Field, the source of our genesis. The central point of union within our Universe projects itself through the Threefold Founder Flame Fields of the 13D-14D-15D Rays (Mother Arc, Father Arc, Christed Child) to create the prism of multidimensional life throughout the Universal time and space fields. The source of the Zero Point field is the infinite energy supply of our God Creator that is contained within All things.
Love is a radiating, strengthening and unifying force spiraling into the upward movement towards the central point of Oneness, the Zero Point. The Force of Love naturally aligns itself back into unity with the Zero Point Field, the unified heart of the Universe. The absence of love, or hatred, is a disintegrating, separative and weakening force, which absorbs light and energy away from the central point of Oneness. The more absence of love, the more absence of living light, and as a result, darkness is manifested through the process of fragmentation into successive layers of density.
The Krystal Star mission is to unify all creation with Unity consciousness vibration (The Universal Frequency of Love and Cosmic Christos Intelligence) as we can heal the internal separation by synthesizing the polarities of our 3D electromagnetism into the zero point or neutral field. The Zero Point or Neutral field is the heart of the God Matrix, the Energetic Core and Source of all Creation, the Still Point of Wholeness.
Living Breath of God
This particle acceleration is a natural physics dynamic that exists at the quantum level, and it is this exchange that creates a faster momentum pulsing between the fission and fusion that exists between the antiparticle and particle mass. To understand this level of our Ascension process, remember that we are merging our Particle (magnetic-female principle) selves and Anti-particle (electric-male principle) selves into a merged non-charged field at the “zero point”. This merging of our particles into the Zero Point is an “event” that is happening at every level and layer of our hologram, at the personal level, Planetary level, Universal level and so forth.
The best way to begin to understand this process is to compare it to the Living Breath of God Source that is the Law of All Creation. All of the Universal creation emulates the In-Breath and Out-breath emanating from the Center-point of All Union, the God Source. As we are made in the image of God, we are also emulating this principle of the Law. Take a moment to feel this as a guided visualization: As you take a deep inhaling breath, this is the In-breath of God, breathing in the God Particle principle of the Universe. As you hold your breath (the space between the breath) this is the “still point” or “zero point” of God, where all is emanated from and originally sourced. As you exhale this is the Out-breath of God, exhaling the Anti-particle principle of the Universal creational field. As you Inhale and Exhale consciously following the movement of your breath, you will be able to note that this is the “fission” and “fusion” movement that exists between the particle and antiparticle relationship of our Universe. It is this relationship that manifests into a particle “form” (such as our physical bodies) as we experience it in this density. As the fission and fusion exchange is accelerated, it changes the pulsing momentum and “charge” of the frequency field it is creating. It is also important to note that our Creation, our Universal Hologram through the process of this fission and fusion is like a light switch turning on and off perpetually. We are able to experience form creation through the principles of the Living Breath of God Source, perpetually breathing in and out, or turning on and off between the particle and anti particle mass. This is the process of alchemy that manifests form as we experience it.
And this is exactly what is being radically altered on our planet and within our bodies, right now.
Mouth of God
The macrocosm of the Universal Zero Point connecting with the microcosm Personal Zero point opening in our Lightbody which is located at the Medulla Oblongata, or 9th Chakra. It's important to remember that the Mouth of God is also a reference point to an energetic command and control center in our Lightbody. It is the 9th Chakra which is also called the Atomic Doorway and is the projector of God Consciousness Units that filter very similarly as a light projector through the back of your Medulla Oblongata, at the base of your neck ( at the brain stem). Andromedan energies are referred to by the Guardians as sourcing 9th Dimensional frequency (Planetary Kundalini Current) and will certainly activate the 9th dimensional Axiatonal Lines on the right side of our human body as well as filter up into the 9th Chakra at the base of the neck. This frequency is dull silver in its color spectrum running vertically from your middle right toe and up through the middle right finger, into the base of your neck. When this Lightbody is activated, it creates a macrocosmic orbit with planetary kundalini forces that looks like a moving gyroscope sphere of spiraling frequencies around your upper body and head.
A type of calibrated "neurological entrainment" to these frequencies with a brain upgrade was necessary in order to allow for the cognitive use of these higher functioning parts. Our spiritual teams are familiarizing many of us with the zero point fields of source energy. We are leaving binary fields of electro-magnetism, moving into the (trinary) zero point fields. These Trinity Fields (referred to as Trion Fields) represent the particle/antiparticle merge of our energy bodies into a completely new field of "holiness" that is to comprise our new "Trinitized Form" and its energy body template. These Fields amplify Source Energy within our bodies. Tesla technologies, Zero Point Field Generators have been showing up for many of us when we are searching for healing facilitation for our bodies.
Zero Point/144
These (Hierogamic or Sacred Marriage) unions are genetically purposed to work on templating the transfiguration Orb architecture in the Merkaba body, as both Rod and Staff corrected principles are required to enable this function in the Diamond Sun Crystal Body. As the Female principle (Staff) holds the Monadic Blueprint architecture to infuse the Mother Aquamarine 13th Gateway, the Solar Father RA Rod principle unites with her to open the Inner Stargate within a 45 degree spinning field that collapses into a Transharmonic Orb body. That Inner Stargate is located inside our core Diamond Sun body and enables complete transfiguration of our physical and auric body to occur. As the physical body dematerializes pulling its particle mass into the center of the body core, the mass is pulled into the core at a 45 degree angle from four sides. Upon the dematerialization collapse, the Orb field spins in 360 degrees aligned to zero point/144. The inner spinning core opens into the Universal Monadic Core and every direction and movement ( into any event horizon) possibility opens into the consciousness awareness field. Moving around from inside of this Orb Body feels like “sliding”. Similar to a slippery monorail, there is a directional movement of the consciousness field perception of “sliding” back and forth. It’s a little like having sea legs after sailing on a boat and returning back to walk on land.
Christos is Unity with Zero Point
The Christos is the Offspring of Hieros Gamos:
What we have come to learn through the Guardian principle of Hieros Gamos is that the Christos Intelligence is the child/offspring of the Holy Mother (Arc) and Holy Father (Arc), and cannot be birthed into the physical world without both principles/polarities equally unified to zero point. These principles of polarity (male/female) are unified between the internal and external manifestation, internally with the inner spirit and externally with the physical body.
Living Light Eternal Current
And this is the phenomena of which will initiate the dimensional and timeline collapse that we are experiencing now on this planet. Those on the Ascension B Timeline feel very much as existing within a void space and have no ability to sense directionally what is next as these systems are collapsing. Even future identities and parallel possibilities are collapsing now as they can no longer be energized. The primary project of where this is underway during this phase is the Astral Plane. As the record of the God Seed atom opens into each sub band and its harmonic layers across all space/time/dimension, it then feeds the Source energy (The Living Light Eternal Current aka Zero Point Fields) into each of these grid layers. In accordance to the Law of Harmonics, whatever structure does not resonate to its original blueprint pattern, either self-corrects as it is overridden or it collapses. The collapse of the structure is due to distortions to such degree the integrity of the Blueprint has been corrupted. Therefore upon the impact of the critical mass of Living Light Current that has been accumulated within a "container" of consciousness, it may possibly destroy the "container" that has become distorted and then corrupt to its original blueprint nature. This level of applied Source Energy is now outpouring from our Universal Time Matrix System at the Galactic Core level (the Center Point of All Union, the God Matrix).
One Unified Conscious Energy Source
As our understanding of this universal energy source continues to expand, we are soon confronted with the idea that it is intelligent, that it can directly interact with our consciousness. The entire Universe is composed of a unified field, or One Unified Conscious Energy Source, then we are also a part of that field; our consciousness can interact with it at many levels. And when we strip away the religious and denominational distinctions of various belief systems on the planet and try to weave a single thread through their teachings, we are left with the simple fact that the fundamental nature of God’s Energy is Love and Light.
And since its nature is loving, we are told that it seeks to have everyone else feel the same way; it is continually striving to have each conscious life form in the Universe reunite with that Love and Light as much as possible. Hence, Jesus taught us to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” We are told that God is evolving, through the free-will decisions of its apparently separate participants. The whole universe changes as we choose to reunite in Oneness.
So, in the simplest possible sense, we can either have faith or simply postulate that the entire universe is One Being with One Mind, and that both the nonphysical aether and physical matter is all a fundamental part of that interconnected being. The world’s spiritual teachings all tell us that God seeks Oneness, unity and connection, and they also associate this quite directly with the concept of vibration.
**In deep gratitude I wish to thank Lisa Renee for her succinct verbiage in the above information. One of the many gifts that she brings to our planet is putting language to these complex scenarios that can be tremendously difficult to explain in simple terms. In my journey to find sources of "on planet" information to help give an explanation for what I was sensing and seeing - I was ultimately guided to her. Lisa has given her blessing in allowing me, and others, to use her descriptions rather than spending precious time and resources re-writing this information.